작성일 : 19-09-01 19:11
Dokdo issue 우산국(于山國)Usan station -South Korea
 글쓴이 : 김이유신
조회 : 1,279  

[Goodmorning] -Photo Credit  Three Kingdoms History by Kim Bu-sik 

=Ancient Silla(新羅) of Korea  Jijeung King  Lchan(伊飡)-Isabu's(異斯夫) Usan Bureau


In conquest, Silla subjugates Ulleungdo and Dokdo's Usan Bureau (于山國).

As a result, Ulleungdo and Dokdo begin to accompany our history.

Dongkuk Literature Note (1770) states that both Ulleung (Ulleungdo) and Usan (Dokdo)Land ”.

It is a historical book, Samguk Sagi Ancient Silla Literature , written by Kim Bu-shik and published by the Goryeo people around 1145.

This book is not an authoritative description of the book, but the 『고기(古記)』,threehan )』·『삼한고기(三韓古記)』·『신라고사(新羅古

史)』·『구삼국사(舊三國史) 김대문(金大問), 『고승전(高僧傳)』·『화랑세기(花郎世記)』·『계림잡전(鷄林雜傳)』 및 최치원(崔致遠)의 『제

왕연대력(帝王年代曆)』 등의 국내 문헌과 『삼국지(三國志)』·『후한서(後漢書)』·『진서(晉書)』·『위서(魏書)』·『송서(宋書)』·『남북사(南

北史)』·『신당서(新唐書)』·『구당서(舊唐書)』 및 『자치통감(資治通鑑)』 shillagosa, and old threenation history. And Kim Dae-mun's Go 

Seung-jeon, Hwarang Century, Guilin Jobjeon, and Choi Chi-won's Emperor's Solidarity Korean literature, such as the Three Kingdoms, S

Three nation history, Huhanseo, Jinseo, Wiseo, Songseo, and North-North History. It is reconstructed with reference to Chinese literature 

such as history), Sindangseo, Gudangseo, and Autonomy.

Kim Bu-sik, responsible editor, seems to have been directly responsible for the Jinsamguksa History Table, the headings of each section, 

the compliments, the selection of food for cooking, the preparation of the dressing, and the evaluation of the figures.

Compilation of national affairs is a commemorative project to strengthen the kingship of the Koryo Dynasty and reflects the political and 

cultural levels of the time. Therefore, the compilation of Three Nation History(Sam Guk Sa gi) should be understood in the first 12th century.=This article is copyrighted under copyright law and is violated during piracy

-Good Morning Korea editer Jonaliste Kim Kyoung-Ae
